Determination of the viability of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts by PCR real-time after treatment with propidium monoazide


RNase H-dependent PCR enables highly specific amplification of antibody variable domains from single B-cells


Immunization-based antibody discovery platforms require robust and effective protocols for the amplification, cloning, expression, and screening of antibodies from large numbers of B-cells in order to effectively capture the diversity of an experienced Ig-repertoire. Multiplex PCR using a series of forward and reverse primers designed to recover antibodies from a range of different germline sequences is challenging because primer design requires the recovery of full length antibody sequences, low starting template concentrations, and the need for all the primers to function under the same PCR conditions.
Here we demonstrate several advantages to incorporating RNase H2-dependent PCR (rh-PCR) into a high-throughput, antibody-discovery platform. Firstly, rh-PCR eliminated primer dimer synthesis to below detectable levels, thereby eliminating clones with a false positive antibody titer. Secondly, by increasing the specificity of PCR, the rh-PCR primers increased the recovery of cognate antibody variable regions from single B-cells, as well as downstream recombinant antibody titers.



Rubella virus RT PCR kit

RTq-H481-150R 150T
EUR 2144.4

Rubella virus RT PCR kit

RTq-H481-50R 50T
EUR 1155.6

Rubella virus PCR kit

PCR-H481-48R 50T
EUR 987.6

Rubella virus PCR kit

PCR-H481-96R 100T
EUR 1335.6

Rubella virus One-Step PCR kit

Oneq-H481-100R 100T
EUR 1932

Rubella virus One-Step PCR kit

Oneq-H481-150R 150T
EUR 2646

Rubella virus One-Step PCR kit

Oneq-H481-50R 50T
EUR 1410

Measles Virus Real Time RT-PCR Kit

GWB-LRB043 25 tests Ask for price

Measles Virus Real Time RT-PCR Kit

GWB-LRB044 25 tests Ask for price

Chikungunya Virus Real Time RT-PCR Kit

GWB-LRB001 25 tests Ask for price

Chikungunya Virus Real Time RT-PCR Kit

GWB-LRB002 25 tests Ask for price

Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit

PDPS-AR064 1 unit Ask for price
Description: Creative Biogene Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit is used for the detection of monkeypox Virus in serum or lesion exudate samples by using real time PCR systems. Monkeypox virus (MPV) is a double-stranded DNA, zoonotic virus and a species of the genus Orthopoxvirus in the family Poxviridae. It is one of the human orthopoxviruses that includes variola (VARV), cowpox (CPX), and vaccinia (VACV) viruses. The kit contains a specific ready-to-use system for the detection of the monkeypox Virus. Fluorescence is emitted and measured by the real time systems' optical unit during the PCR.

Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit

ZD-0076-01 25 tests/kit Ask for price
Description: Monkeypox virus is the virus that causes the disease monkeypox in both humans and animals. Monkeypox virus is an Orthopoxvirus, a genus of the family Poxviridae that contains other viral species that target mammals. The virus is mainly found in tropical rainforest regions of central and West Africa. The primary route of infection is thought to be contact with the infected animals or their bodily fluids. The genome is not segmented and contains a single molecule of linear double-stranded DNA, 185000 nucleotides long. The Monkeypox Virus real time PCR Kit contains a specific ready-to-use system for the detection of the Monkeypox Virusthrough polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the real-time PCR system. The master contains reagents and enzymes for the specific amplification of the Monkeypox Virus DNA. Fluorescence is emitted and measured by the real time systems ́ optical unit during the PCR. The detection of amplified Monkeypox Virus DNA fragment is performed in fluorimeter channel 530nm with the fluorescent quencher BHQ1. DNA extraction buffer is available in the kit and serum or lesion exudate samples are used for the extraction of the DNA. In addition, the kit contains a system to identify possible PCR inhibition by measuring the 560nm fluorescence of the internal control (IC). An external positive control defined as 1×10^7 copies/ml is supplied which allow the determination of the gene load.

Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit

ZD-0076-02 25 tests/kit Ask for price
Description: Monkeypox virus is the virus that causes the disease monkeypox in both humans and animals. Monkeypox virus is an Orthopoxvirus, a genus of the family Poxviridae that contains other viral species that target mammals. The virus is mainly found in tropical rainforest regions of central and West Africa. The primary route of infection is thought to be contact with the infected animals or their bodily fluids.The genome is not segmented and contains a single molecule of linear double-stranded DNA, 185000 nucleotides long.The Monkeypox Virus real time PCR Kit contains a specific ready-to-use system for the detection of the Monkeypox Virusthrough polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the real-time PCR system. The master contains reagents and enzymes for the specific amplification of theMonkeypox VirusDNA. Fluorescence is emitted and measured by the real time systems ́ optical unit during the PCR. The detection of amplified Monkeypox Virus DNA fragment is performed in fluorimeter channelFAM with the fluorescent quencher BHQ1. DNA extraction buffer is available in the kit and serum or lesion exudate samples are used for the extraction of the DNA. In addition, the kit contains a system to identify possible PCR inhibition by measuring the HEX/VIC/JOE fluorescence of the internal control (IC). An external positive control defined as 1×107copies/ml is supplied which allow the determination of the gene load.

Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit

YJC70115NW-25T 25 tests/kit Ask for price
Description: The Bioperfectus Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit is an in vitro diagnostic test, based on real-time PCR technology, for the detection of DNA from the Monkeypox virus. Specimens can be obtained from human serum, lesion exudate samples and scab. BSL-2 facilities with standard BSL-2 work practices may be used for the test of t he Monkeypox virus.

Canine Distemper virus Real Time RT-PCR Detection kit

TRI-L10M1 32T
EUR 705.6

Canine Distemper virus Real Time RT-PCR Detection kit

TRI-L10S1 16T
EUR 378

Yellow head Virus Real Time PCR Detection Kit

TRI-N08M1 32T
EUR 453.6

Yellow head Virus Real Time PCR Detection Kit

TRI-N08S1 16T
EUR 252

Taura Syndrome Virus Real Time PCR Detection Kit

TRI-N07M1 32T
EUR 453.6

Taura Syndrome Virus Real Time PCR Detection Kit

TRI-N07S1 16T
EUR 252

Feline leukemia virus Real Time PCR Detection kit

TRI-L23M1 32T
EUR 705.6

Feline leukemia virus Real Time PCR Detection kit

TRI-L23S1 16T
EUR 378

Transfusion-transmitted Virus (TTV) Real Time PCR Kit

GWB-LRB041 25 tests Ask for price

Transfusion-transmitted Virus (TTV) Real Time PCR Kit

GWB-LRB042 25 tests Ask for price

Rubella virus

8806 100 ug
EUR 380
Description: E1

Rubella virus

8807 100 ug
EUR 380
Description: E2

Rubella virus

1714 100 ug
EUR 270
Description: E1 glycoprotein

Rubella virus

1715 100 ug
EUR 270
Description: E1 glycoprotein

Rubella virus

1717 100 ug
EUR 270
Description: E2 glycoprotein

Rubella virus

1701 1 ml
EUR 225
Description: virions

Rubella virus

MBS320344-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 355

Rubella virus

MBS320344-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1500

Rubella virus

MBS320345-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 355

Rubella virus

MBS320345-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1500

Rubella virus

MBS320346-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 355

Rubella virus

MBS320346-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1500

Rubella virus

MBS320347-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 355

Rubella virus

MBS320347-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1500

Rubella virus

MBS328056-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 475

Rubella virus

MBS328056-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2060

Rubella virus

MBS328057-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 475

Rubella virus

MBS328057-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 2060

Rubella virus

MBS324116-1mL 1mL
EUR 315

Rubella virus

MBS324116-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 1320

Rubella virus

MBS324117-1mL 1mL
EUR 325

Rubella virus

MBS324117-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 1375

Rubella virus

MBS324118-1mL 1mL
EUR 345

Rubella virus

MBS324118-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 1465

Rubella virus

MBS324119-1mL 1mL
EUR 325

Rubella virus

MBS324119-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 1375

Rubella virus

Oneq-H481-OneqH481100R Oneq-H481-100R
EUR 1028

Rubella virus

Oneq-H481-OneqH481150R Oneq-H481-150R
EUR 1438

Rubella virus

Oneq-H481-OneqH48150R Oneq-H481-50R
EUR 728

Rubella virus

PCR-H481-PCRH48148R PCR-H481-48R
EUR 485

Rubella virus

PCR-H481-PCRH48196R PCR-H481-96R
EUR 685

Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Real Time RT-PCR Detection kit

TRI-N16M1 32T
EUR 577.08

Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Real Time RT-PCR Detection kit

TRI-N16S1 16T
EUR 327.6

White Spot Syndrome Virus Real Time PCR Detection Kit

TRI-N01M1 32T
EUR 453.6

White Spot Syndrome Virus Real Time PCR Detection Kit

TRI-N01S1 16T
EUR 252

Macrobrachium rosenbergii Norda Virus Real Time RT-PCR Detection kit

TRI-N13M1 32T
EUR 577.08

Macrobrachium rosenbergii Norda Virus Real Time RT-PCR Detection kit

TRI-N13S1 16T
EUR 327.6

Dengue Real-TM Real Time PCR kit for detection of Dengue Virus

V63-S-50FRT 50
EUR 627.84

Rubella Virus Avidity Reagent

B129AVID 1 mL
EUR 85

Rubella Virus Avidity Reagent

MBS198108-1mL 1mL
EUR 155

Rubella Virus Avidity Reagent

MBS198108-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 690

Zika Virus Real-TM Real Time PCR test for detection of Zika Virus

V73-50FRT 50
EUR 1257.86

Shrimp Hemocyte Iridescent Virus Real Time PCR Detection Kit

TRI-N03M1 32T
EUR 453.6

Shrimp Hemocyte Iridescent Virus Real Time PCR Detection Kit

TRI-N03S1 16T
EUR 252

Rubella Virus E2,

GWB-70779B 1 mg Ask for price

Rubella Virus C

GWB-77F49F 1 mg Ask for price

Rubella Virus -HRP

GWB-7ABC27 1 ml Ask for price

Rubella Virus IgG

RUBG0400 96
EUR 98

Rubella VIrus -FITC

GWB-143373 1 ml Ask for price

QPCR Kit RNA Rubella virus

EUR 788.88

Spring Viraemia of Carp Virus Real Time PCR Detection kit

TRI-N17M1 32T
EUR 577.08

Spring Viraemia of Carp Virus Real Time PCR Detection kit

TRI-N17S1 16T
EUR 327.6

Rubella Virus IgG ELISA Kit

ESR129G 96 Tests
EUR 362

Rubella Virus IgM ELISA Kit

ESR129M 96 Tests
EUR 362


GWB-DA7089 1 ml Ask for price

Rubella virus protein

30-1344 1 ml
EUR 497
Description: Purified native Rubella virus protein (Grade III)

Rubella Virus Protein

abx670270-1mg 1 mg
EUR 1212

Rubella Virus Protein

abx670271-1mg 1 mg
EUR 2163.6

Rubella Virus Antigen

PR-BA129G2-L 1mg
EUR 1312.72
Description: native, Vero cell culture

Rubella Virus Antigen

PR-BA129G2-S 250µg
EUR 437.5
Description: native, Vero cell culture

Rubella Virus Vaccine

VAC-0323 0.5ml
EUR 1598.4
Description: Protein

Human Rubella Virus ELISA Kit

MBS3802002-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Human Rubella Virus ELISA Kit

MBS3802002-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 550

Human Rubella Virus ELISA Kit

MBS3802002-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3420

Human Rubella Virus ELISA Kit

MBS3802002-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

Rubella virus antibody

10R-R119a 1 mg
EUR 444
Description: Mouse monoclonal Antibody raised against Rubella virus

Rubella virus antibody

20-RG04 1 ml
EUR 360
Description: Goat polyclonal Rubella virus antibody

Rubella Virus Antibody

abx023129-1ml 1 ml
EUR 644.4

Rubella Virus Antibody

abx023129-400l 400 µl Ask for price

Rubella Virus Antibody

abx023129-80l 80 µl
EUR 975

Rubella Virus Antigens

GWB-8DCDE6 1 mg Ask for price

RUBELLA Virus Antibody

GWB-E871A4 0.2 mg Ask for price

Rubella Virus, Antibody

GWB-D84015 1 mg Ask for price

Rubella virus Antibody

GWB-60F0D7 0.1 mg Ask for price

Rubella Virus Antibody

GWB-3BEA8B 1 mg Ask for price

Rubella Virus Antibody

MBS568453-05mL 0.5mL
EUR 300

Rubella Virus Antibody

MBS568453-5x05mL 5x0.5mL
EUR 1160

Rubella virus antibody

MBS534728-1mL 1mL
EUR 530

Rubella virus antibody

MBS534728-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 2235

Rubella Virus E1 mosaic

GWB-9E07D0 1 mg Ask for price

Rubella Virus IgG ELISA

MBS495665-5x96Tests 5x96Tests
EUR 2420

Rubella Virus IgG ELISA

MBS495665-96Tests 96Tests
EUR 530

Rubella Virus E1 Mosaic

MBS555862-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 340

Rubella Virus E1 Mosaic

MBS555862-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 810

Rubella Virus E1 Mosaic

MBS555862-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 3495

Rubella Virus Capsid C

MBS555863-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 340

Rubella Virus Capsid C

MBS555863-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 810

Rubella Virus Capsid C

MBS555863-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 3495

Rubella Virus E1 Mosaic

PR27125 500 ug
EUR 197.1

Rubella Virus E1 Mosaic

PR27125-B each
EUR 540

Rubella Virus Capsid C

PR27126 500 ug
EUR 197.1

Rubella Virus Capsid C

PR27126-B each
EUR 540

Rubella Virus E1 protein

80-1059 1 mg
EUR 1680
Description: Purified recombinant Rubella Virus E1 protein

Rubella virus E2 protein

30-1281 1 mg
EUR 1195
Description: Purified recombinant Rubella virus E2 protein

Rubella virus E2 protein

DAGA-498 1mg
EUR 2337.3
Description: Recombinant

Rubella Virus E2 Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg

Rubella Virus E2 Protein

abx260148-20g 20 µg
EUR 950

Rubella Virus E2 Protein

abx260148-5g 5 µg
EUR 350

Rubella Virus E2 Protein

abx060648-1mg 1 mg
EUR 2055.6

Rubella Virus E2 Protein

abx060649-1mg 1 mg
EUR 1713.6

Rubella Virus Antigen >90%

MBS568611-1mg 1mg
EUR 1525

Rubella Virus Antigen >90%

MBS568611-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 6605

Rubella Virus E1 protein

MBS5304381-1mg 1mg
EUR 3075

Rubella Virus E1 protein

MBS5304381-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 13685

Human Rubella Virus IgG ELISA Kit

MBS3802861-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Human Rubella Virus IgG ELISA Kit

MBS3802861-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 550

Human Rubella Virus IgG ELISA Kit

MBS3802861-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3420

Human Rubella Virus IgG ELISA Kit

MBS3802861-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

Human Rubella Virus IgM ELISA Kit

MBS3803459-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Human Rubella Virus IgM ELISA Kit

MBS3803459-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 550

Human Rubella Virus IgM ELISA Kit

MBS3803459-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3420

Human Rubella Virus IgM ELISA Kit

MBS3803459-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

Rubella Virus E1 Antibody

abx022204-1mg 1 mg
EUR 718.8

Rubella Virus E1 Antibody

abx022205-1mg 1 mg
EUR 610.8

Rubella Virus E1 Antibody

abx022206-1mg 1 mg
EUR 610.8

Rubella Virus E1 Antibody

abx022206-400l 400 µl Ask for price

Rubella Virus E1 Antibody

abx022206-80l 80 µl
EUR 550

West Nile Virus Real-TM Real Time PCR test for detection of WNV

V53-50FRT 50
EUR 592.96

Rubella virus antibody (HRP)

60-RG05 1 ml
EUR 405
Description: Goat polyclonal Rubella virus antibody (HRP) conjugated

Rubella Virus Antibody (HRP)

abx023126-1ml 1 ml
EUR 718.8

Rubella Virus Antibody (HRP)

abx023126-400l 400 µl Ask for price

Rubella Virus Antibody (HRP)

abx023126-80l 80 µl
EUR 1112.5

Rubella virus antibody (HRP)

MBS534445-1mL 1mL
EUR 605

Rubella virus antibody (HRP)

MBS534445-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 2570

Rubella virus antibody (FITC)

60-RG04 1 ml
EUR 385
Description: Goat polyclonal Rubella virus antibody (FITC) conjugated

Rubella Virus Antibody (FITC)

abx023127-1ml 1 ml
EUR 661.2

Rubella Virus Antibody (FITC)

abx023127-400l 400 µl Ask for price

Rubella Virus Antibody (FITC)

abx023127-80l 80 µl
EUR 1112.5

Rubella virus antibody (FITC)

MBS534714-1mL 1mL
EUR 560

Rubella virus antibody (FITC)

MBS534714-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 2370

Recombinant Rubella Virus E2

7-07861 100µg Ask for price

Recombinant Rubella Virus E2

7-07862 500µg Ask for price

Recombinant Rubella Virus E2

7-07863 1000µg Ask for price
Finally, we demonstrate that rh-PCR primers provide a more homogeneous sample pool and greater sequence quality in a Next Generation Sequencing-based approach to obtaining DNA sequence information from large numbers of cloned antibody cognate pairs. Furthermore, the higher specificity of the rh-PCR primers allowed for a better match between native antibody germline sequences and the VL/VH fragments amplified from single B-cells.

Determination of the viability of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts by PCR real-time after treatment with propidium monoazide


This study aimed to investigate a methodology for discriminating viable and non-viable T. gondii oocysts in water. Analyses included two steps: (i) microscopic investigation with vital dyes; (ii) molecular investigation, using a real time PCR (qPCR), after parasite treatment (or not) with propidium monoazide (PMA).
The method was called qPCR-PMA. Oocyst aliquots were incubated (15 min) at 25 ºC or 100 ºC and analyzed by microscopy, after trypan blue and neutral red staining. Microscopic investigation determined viable and non-viable oocysts. For the molecular investigation, both aliquots of oocysts were treated with PMA. Non-viable oocysts, after PMA treatment, exhibited an inhibition of DNA amplification by qPCR. Although analyses were carried out with oocysts treated experimentally, these results suggest that qPCR-PMA can be a useful strategy to distinguish viable and non-viable T. gondii oocysts in water safety testing, showing if water is safe to drink.

Diagnostic Utility of a Custom 34-Gene Anchored Multiplex PCR-Based Next-Generation Sequencing Fusion Panel for the Diagnosis of Bone and Soft Tissue Neoplasms With Identification of Novel USP6 Fusion Partners in Aneurysmal Bone Cysts


Context.—: Bone and soft tissue tumors are heterogeneous, diagnostically challenging, and often defined by gene fusions.
Objective.—: To present our experience using a custom 34-gene targeted sequencing fusion panel.
Design.—: Total nucleic acid extracted from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor specimens was subjected to open-ended, nested anchored multiplex polymerase chain reaction and enrichment of 34 gene targets, thus enabling detection of known and novel fusion partners.
Results.—: During a 12-month period, 145 patients were tested as part of routine clinical care. Tumor percentage ranged from 10% to 100% and turnaround time ranged from 3 to 15 (median, 7.9) days. The most common diagnostic groups were small round blue cell tumors, tumors of uncertain differentiation, fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumors, and adipocytic tumors.
In-frame fusion transcripts were identified in 64 of 140 cases sequenced (46%): in 62 cases, the detection of a disease-defining fusion confirmed the morphologic impression; in 2 cases, a germline TFG-GPR128 polymorphic fusion variant was detected. Several genes in the panel partnered with multiple fusion partners specific for different diagnoses, for example, EWSR1, NR4A3, FUS, NCOA2, and TFE3. Interesting examples are presented to highlight how fusion detection or lack thereof was instrumental in establishing accurate diagnoses. Novel fusion partners were detected for 2 cases of solid aneurysmal bone cysts (PTBP1-USP6, SLC38A2-USP6).
Conclusions.—: Multiplex detection of fusions in total nucleic acid purified from FFPE specimens facilitates diagnosis of bone and soft tissue tumors. This technology is particularly useful for morphologically challenging entities and in the absence of prior knowledge of fusion partners, and has the potential to discover novel fusion partners.

Performance Evaluation of a Commercial Real-Time PCR Assay and of an In-House Real-Time PCR for Trypanosoma cruzi DNA Detection in a Tropical Medicine Reference Center, Northern Italy


Chagas disease, a neglected protozoal disease endemic in Latin America, is also currently considered an emerging threat in nonendemic areas because of population movements. The detection of Trypanosoma cruzi DNA is increasingly being considered as important evidence to support Chagas disease diagnoses.
However, further performance evaluation of molecular assays is useful for a standardization of strategy considering the whole process in routine diagnosis, especially for the different settings such as endemic and nonendemic countries. Seventy-five samples were collected from subjects screened for Chagas disease in Italy.
The DNA was isolated from blood using automated extraction. We evaluated the performance of the commercial RealCycler® CHAG kit (pmPCR) based on satellite DNA (SatDNA) and of an in-house real-time PCR (ihPCR) targeting Sat and kinetoplast (k) DNAs, using the concordance of two serology assays as a reference standard. The sensitivity of kDNA and SatDNA tests by ihPCR and SatDNA by pmPCR were 14.29% (95% confidence interval (CI) 6.38 to 26.22), 7.14% (95% CI 1.98 to 17.29), and 7.14% (95% CI 1.98 to 17.29), respectively.
Specificity was 100% for all PCR assays and targets. Overall, our results suggest that the preferred approach for clinical laboratories is to combine the kDNA and SatDNA as targets in order to minimize false-negative results increasing sensitivity.

Selection of DNA Aptamers for Subcellular Localization of RBSDV P10 Protein in the Midgut of Small Brown Planthoppers by Emulsion PCR-Based SELEX

Rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV), classified under the Reoviridae, Fijivirus genus, caused an epidemic in the eastern provinces of China and other East Asian countries and resulted in severe yield loss in rice and wheat production. RBSDV is transmitted by the small brown planthopper (SBPHLaodelphax striatellus Fallén) in a persistent manner.
In order to provide a stable and cost-effective detection probe, in this study we selected three DNA aptamers (R3, R5 and R11) by an optimized, standardized and time saving emulsion PCR-based SELEX, for the detection of RBSDV outer-shell P10 protein for in situ localization studies in the midgut of SBPH. The specificity of these three DNA aptamers was tested through detection of the P10 protein using an enzyme-linked oligonucleotide assay (ELONA) and aptamer-based dot-blot ELISA.
All three DNA aptamers can be used to detect RBSDV P10 protein by immunofluorescent labeling in the midgut of RBSDV-infected SBPH. These data show that the selected aptamers can be used for the detection of RBSDV P10 protein in vitro and in vivo. This is the first report of aptamers being selected for detection of a rice virus capsid protein.

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 69158 (13 X 1 mL)

HCV10003 13 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 69028 (6 X 1 mL)

HCV10004 6 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67355 (11 X 1 mL)

HCV10007 11 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 69263 (10 X 1 mL)

HCV10008 10 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 68896 (6 X 1 mL)

HCV10009 6 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65470 (7 X 1 mL)

HCV10010 7 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66666 (13 X 1 mL)

HCV10011 13 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66747 (13 X 1 mL)

HCV10012 13 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67356 (10 X 1 mL)

HCV10013 10 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 68157 (4 X 1 mL)

HCV10014 4 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 68628 (12 X 1 mL)

HCV10016 12 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65064 (16 X 1 mL)

HCV10017 16 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 69142 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV10019 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 68744 (13 X 1 mL)

HCV10020 13 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 68470 (14 X 1 mL)

HCV10021 14 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 68450 (11 X 1 mL)

HCV10022 11 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67505 (21 X 1 mL)

HCV10023 21 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66719 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV10024 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66801 (11 X 1 mL)

HCV10025 11 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67391 (12 X 1 mL)

HCV10026 12 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66751 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV10027 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67116 (7 X 1 mL)

HCV10028 7 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67539 (14 X 1 mL)

HCV10029 16 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65977 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV10030 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66113 (16 X 1 mL)

HCV10032 16 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 68629 (10 X 1 mL)

HCV10033 10 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 68223 (13 X 1 mL)

HCV10036 13 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65643 (10 X 1 mL)

HCV10043 10 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65982 (4 X 1 mL)

HCV10044 4 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66074 (5 X 1 mL)

HCV10045 5 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67766 (15 X 1 mL)

HCV10050 15 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67787 (14 X 1 mL)

HCV10051 14 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67861 (12 X 1 mL)

HCV10052 12 X 1 mL
EUR 1101

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 420245049 (7 X 1 mL)

HCV10057 7 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 420299823 (7 X 1 mL)

HCV10058 7 X 1 mL
EUR 1858.37
Description: Please contact Gentaur in order to receive the datasheet of the product.

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 490104584 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV10062 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 90163052 (7 X 1 mL)

HCV10071 7 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 72237 (9 X 1 mL)

HCV10165 9 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 70225 (5 X 1 mL)

HCV10185 5 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 61025 (5 X 1 mL)

HCV6217 5 X 1 mL
EUR 1035

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 61251 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV6218 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1035

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 60749 (14 X 1 mL)

HCV6219 14 X 1 mL
EUR 1035

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 63792 (6 X 1 mL)

HCV6220 6 X 1 mL
EUR 1035

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 62258 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV6221 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1035

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 62286 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV6222 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 62507 (22 X 1 mL)

HCV6223 22 X 1 mL
EUR 1035

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 62680 (6 X 1 mL)

HCV6224 6 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 62999 (19 X 1 mL)

HCV6225 19 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 63135 (12 X 1 mL)

HCV6226 12 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 63318 (7 X 1 mL)

HCV6227 7 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 62886 (12 X 1 mL)

HCV6228 12 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 62804 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV6229 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 63625 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV9041 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 63792 (6 X 1 mL)

HCV9042 6 X 1 mL
EUR 1035

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 63869 (6 X 1 mL)

HCV9043 6 X 1 mL
EUR 1035

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 63911 (6 X 1 mL)

HCV9044 6 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 64150 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV9045 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 64254 (5 X 1 mL)

HCV9046 5 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 64273 (10 X 1 mL)

HCV9047 10 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 64437 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV9048 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1035

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 64766 (5 X 1 mL)

HCV9049 5 X 1 mL
EUR 1035

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66158 (13 X 1 mL)

HCV9050 13 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66626 (8 X 1 mL)

HCV9054 8 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66732 (11 X 1 mL)

HCV9055 11 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66861 (11 X 1 mL)

HCV9057 11 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66647 (5 X 1 mL)

HCV9058 5 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 1038851 (5 X 1 mL)

HCV9095 5 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 22708D (5 X 1 mL)

HCV9094 5 X 1 mL
EUR 1764

HCV Pre/Post Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66822 (5 X 1 mL)

HCV10235 5 X 1 mL
EUR 545

Zika Virus Seroconversion Panel (7 X 0.5mL)

KZMC047 7 X 0.5mL
EUR 2890

HIV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65404 (7 X mL)

HIV9013 7 X mL
EUR 1764

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 64090 (5 X 1 mL)

HBV10231 5 X 1 mL
EUR 627

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 64017 (6 X 1 mL)

HBV10232 6 X 1 mL
EUR 627

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65449 (9 X 1 mL)

HBV11000 9 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65524 (8 X 1 mL)

HBV11001 8 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65556 (6 X 1 mL)

HBV11002 6 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65584 (8 X 1 mL)

HBV11003 8 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65732 (8 X 1 mL)

HBV11004 8 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65777 (14 X 1 mL)

HBV11005 14 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66201 (17 X 1 mL)

HBV11006 17 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 66537 (14 X 1 mL)

HBV11007 14 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67303 (18 X 1 mL)

HBV11008 18 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67449 (23 X 1 mL)

HBV11009 23 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67457 (18 X 1 mL)

HBV11010 18 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67694 (14 X 1 mL)

HBV11011 14 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67773 (6 X 1 mL)

HBV11012 6 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 67962 (35 X 1 mL)

HBV11013 35 X 1 mL
EUR 953

HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 68029 (12 X 1 mL)

HBV11014 12 X 1 mL
EUR 953